A Collection of Music Therapy Case Studies from Various Sources
Aldrige, D. (1996). Music therapy research
and in medicine practice: From out of the silence. London: Jessica Kingsley
American Music Therapy Association. (n.d.). Retrived
October 13, 2004, from http://musictherapy.org.
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Benenzon, R. O. (1997). Music therapy theory and
manual (2nd ed.). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publishers LTD.
Covington, H. (2001). Therapeutic music for patient
with psychiatric disorders [electronic version]. Holistic Nursing
15(2), 59-69.
Davis, W. B., Gfeller, K. E., & Thaut, M. H. 1999).
An introduction to music therapy: Theory and practice (2nd ed.).
Boston, MA:
McGraw-Hill College.
Kennelly, J., & Brien-Elliot, K. (2001). The role
of music therapy in pediatric rehabilitation [electronic version].
Rehabilitation, 4(3), 137-143.
O’Kelly, J. (2002). Music therapy in palliative
care: Current perspectives [electronic version]. International Journal of
Nursing, 8(3), 130-136.
Pavlicevic, M. (1997). Music therapy in context:
Music, meaning and relationship. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Pavlicevic, M. (1999). Music therapy: Intimate
notes. London:
Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Turner, J. (n.d.). Music therapy. Retrieved October
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Using music listening in nursing (2002). (n.d.). [Electronic
version]. Holistic Nursing Practice. Retrieved October 13, 2004, from http://www.ephost.com.
Winkelman, M. (2003). Complementary therapy for addiction:
“Drumming out drugs” [electronic version]. American Journal
Public Health, 93(4), 647-651.